Effects of Tobacco Smoking to Young People  


As much as possible, we do not want our kids to acquire bad habits which can affect their future. However, there will come a time that our kids will not heed our words any longer and decide to smoke tobacco.


No matter how we emphasize the ill effects of tobacco smoking among young people, there are still kids that consider them anyway. It might be peer pressure or sheer rebellion. This might be the case but we have to remain hopeful that we can curb our kid’s tobacco smoking.

The good thing is that the government is eyeing establishments who disregard the age when it comes to selling tobacco. In fact, the Health Sciences Authority (HSA) already suspended some retailers for selling to minors. For instance, the tobacco license of 7-Eleven outlet situated in Cineleisure Orchard has been suspended for good.


If an establishment or a person caught selling tobacco to kids under 18 years old, they will face a fine worth S$5,000 (for first offence) to S$10,000 (for two consecutive offence). This is apart from suspending the retail license for six months or permanently.

There is a reason why young people are prohibited to smoke. Tobacco smoking among young people has ill effects like:

  • It can cause heart diseases and stroke
  • It can affect the respiratory system
  • It can affect one’s breath
  • It can increase one’s risk of lung cancer

Now that we know the repercussions of tobacco smoking, it is time that we become vigilant especially if we have minors around. Our kids will not stray if they are emotionally and mentally secured in our homes.


Singapore Savings Bonds: An Update  


Singaporeans are looking forward for their Singapore Savings Bonds (SSB). SSB are exceptional kind of government securities intended to make them available and appropriate to individual investors. The public took this well. In fact, Monetary Authority of Singapore announced that as of September 28, 2015, 19,505 individuals have been recognized for the first SSB issue.


The successful applicants for the first issue will be informed via mail within 3 to 5 business days. The good news is that all applicants will get their application amount in full (limit of S$50,000). The bond will be placed into the applicant’s Central Depository (CDP) securities accounts this coming October 1.

For the applicants who want to check their savings, they can simply refer to CDP’s website or better yet call them. The initial interest payment for the first applicants will be on April 1, 2016 and that the interest will be made every 6 months.


For those who were not included in the first SSB, there will be another issue on November 2. The applications will start on October 1 at exactly 6pm and it will close on October 27 at exactly 9pm. According to MAS, there will be three issuances this year and that SSB has an issuance size worth S$2 to 4 billion.

Before joining the next issue, the first thing that we should do is provide an individual CDP account. The setting of CDP will take at least two weeks. After that, we can apply through iBanking and ATMs. We have to make sure that we have our CDP account when we apply.


Custom-Designed Engagement Ring 101

Before, when you want to buy your sweetheart an engagement ring, you simply visit a jewelry store and pick one from several types. Rings tend to look relatively the same, with the diamond shape and size the biggest difference.


But today, a lot has changed. With the growing demand of uniqueness in wedding and engagement rings, more and more Singapore jewelers have adopted the idea of custom-designed rings. If your future fiancé isn’t a fan of traditional diamond ring, you can choose any type of gemstone, from rubies and emeralds to sapphires and opals, as the main stone of your proposal ring. Here are some more ways to help you make a custom-made ring.

Search for Clues

Notice your sweethearts’ jewelries to get a clue of the ring’s design and material. Determine some factors, like traditional or modern, to help narrow down your selections. Also, pay attention to rings worn by your officemates or friends. If you see some beautiful engagement rings for proposal in Singapore that you like, simply ask where it was bought or who designed it. Next, visit a couple of jewelry shops and showrooms to scout for pleasing – and even unpleasing – designs. Take note of the stone, shape of the stone, and the ring setting of the rings that you like and sketch some features that caught your attention.


Express Yourself

Creating something original has something to do with what you feel. Try to come up with a symbol that describes your mate or your feelings for her. Make the ring show what you want to say. Although it can be difficult for a non-artist to translate emotions into non-literal form, it can be very romantic when it’s successfully made. Try doing so by maximizing your knowledge. Write down a paragraph of what you feel or a list of adjectives that describes the traits of your beloved. From there, try to see what imagery pope up to your mind as you read your work.

Consider the Wedding Band

Soon, there will be a wedding ring to keep the engagement ring company. For the engagement ring, you have two options: go extravagant with a proposal ring that will stand alone (it will be worn on the other hand after the wedding band comes in), or have a shaped proposal ring that will fit or complement her wedding band.

Take Your Time

Start searching early. Estimate six weeks for delivery period once you have placed your order. Furthermore, you’ll need time for the research process and to look for a skillful and trusted designer. Finalizing the ring’s specifications may also take a while since this will require back and forth communication. Look for a Singapore jewelry shop with on-site jewelers to save time.

Expect to Pay Higher Price

A custom-made ring typically costs as much as three to four times higher than an in-store ring. This is due to the obvious fact that custom-designed rings require more time and labor since they should be assembled by hand in all its elements and features.


Playing Tetris Has Benefits  


Our parents often say that we are just wasting our precious time sitting and playing games. They say that if we only allot our time doing significant activities, our lives will improve. They are true but not when they tell this and we are playing tetris, we can confidently say that it has benefits.


There is a study published in Addictive Behaviours that claim playing tetris can cease food cravings. The psychologists conducted a study involving 31 participants from 18 to 27 years old. These participants revealed their cravings for food, drugs, drink and other activities. They also revealed how strong their cravings were. Of the participants, 15 were asked to play tetris for at least three minutes in between cravings.

According to Jackie Andrade, one of the researchers, tetris reduced the craving from 70% to 56%. We might wonder why this is the case. As it turned out, craving happens when we imagine consuming it. It is difficult to imagine consuming something and play tetris at the same time.


The result astonished the researchers and said that it can be used to reduce others cravings. The study proved that cognitive interference can be effectively used to reduce the cravings for other activities and substances like alcoholic drinks and drugs.

Many Singaporeans are playing tetris not knowing its benefits. If all Singaporeans know its benefits and effects, tetris will be integrated in our lives that it becomes a daily habit. It does not matter as long as it can help us with our cravings. For those who haven’t downloaded tetris yet, it is time that we try it for ourselves.


Introducing the Camper Tricycle  


Camping is one way to relax and be in touch with nature. There are many trails here in Singapore that we can consider but not all Singaporeans consider camping because of the inconvenience and discomfort it entails. If we think only this, we will never realize the beauty of camping and gazing at the stars.


Camper vans are famous for camping families. The vans are equipped with a kitchen, bathroom, comfort room and some beds for the comfort of the whole family. Camper vans are bulky though. However, for solo campers out there, there is a concept that will surely excite us.

Although this is just a concept, there is a possibility of mass production should the designers pursue it. The concept is to squeeze everything unto a tricycle. This is for sol campers. The camper tricycle is called The Bufalino. The Bufalino offers ultimate experience for solo campers who can hit the road anytime.

The Bufalino features:camperbike1

  • Storage: The tricycle offers storages that can organize the camper’s things from clothing to beddings. Though the storages are small, it can make a difference.
  • Sleeping area: The camper tricycle can only accommodate one camper. Squeezing the next camper can be too difficult.
  • Micro office: Forget about work while camping but there will come a time that we need to check something. Alas, The Bufalino offers a micro office – enough to place a laptop and lampshade.
  • Sink and stove: It does not end there because the tricycle also features sink and stove. This will make cooking more easy and hassle-free.

The concept was from an industrial design student named Cornelius Comanns. Many commended the practicality and the rendering of the camper tricycle. Let us see what happens next. This is truly a modern-day camping.


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