For those who don’t already know, there actually are a number of indoor rock climbing facilities around Singapore! Rock climbing is a physical activity that some do for recreation and others for health benefits and exercise. It’s a great workout for the whole body but it does have some notable pros and cons. So, let’s get started!
If you’re eager to try rock climbing but still have a few reservations, knowing a few pros and cons may help you decide to just give it a try.
Pro: You get to meet new people
Whether it’s outdoor rock climbing or in an indoor facility, you can get behind the community element of this activity. No matter if you’re a complete beginner or a seasoned climber, you’ll get to interact with many individuals who also enjoy rock climbing. Being a beginner in an indoor facility, for example, many instructors will be very eager to teach and help you enjoy.
Pro: It’s a great full-body workout
One of the biggest pros of rock climbing has something to do with the physical aspect of it. When you climb, much of your success will be dictated by not relying only on your upper body, but your core and lower body as well. It’s a test of muscular strength and endurance, stamina, and flexibility! Rock climbing also actually helps train your mental and emotional fortitude as well! Since, to be honest, not being able to find the right spots to propel yourself upwards can be a bit frustrating.
Pro: Helps one practice mindfulness
One of the very first things you realize on your first climb is that focus is absolutely important. Even when you’ve gone on multiple climbs, whether indoor or outdoor, staying in the moment and being aware of the present is one of the keys to a successful climb. This is why rock climbing is considered by some as a great stress-reliever. They get to exercise and forget the problems even for just an hour.
Con: Can be time-consuming and physically demanding
There’s really no glaring cons to rock climbing but one thing that some might have to consider is the time. For one, you really have to dedicate your time during each session. Not only that, if you’re planning to be more competitive and competent, you have to invest more hours in your day for it too. Of course, to some, this would not be a problem at all.
It’s also important to remember that there’s always a risk of fall or injury, no matter if it’s indoor or outdoor. Given that rock climbing is an intense physical activity, there’s always that risk. Even then, it’s not really something to fuss over, especially if you have instructors and professionals around you.
Being socially anxious can make it more difficult for you to communicate your thoughts and opinions more openly, but the good news is that there are ways that you can be more assertive and express yourself in a more honest and respectful way.
With assertive communication, you not only allow yourself to relate to others more genuinely, but it also gives you more confidence in meeting other people and living your own life.
Here are a few simple tips to get you started on your social skills:
1. Start small.
If you find yourself in an open area, you can practice your conversational skills with just one person you don’t know.
You can do this simply by saying “thank you” to the clerk at the grocery store or the waiter in the restaurant when he/she takes your order, which is crucial if you’re not good with spending a lot of time in large crowds.
2. Maintain eye contact the right way.
A lot of people have trouble maintaining eye contact during conversation. While some don’t look other people in the eyes at all, others hold it for too long and come off as unintentionally creepy.
The trick is to get yourself used to looking at people in the eye, and you can do this by practicing in the mirror by staring at yourself.
While you may feel uncomfortable and weird at first, try to keep your gaze with your own reflection in the mirror. The discomfort is part of the exercise, and doing this lets you familiarize yourself with the subtle signs that other people are uncomfortable.
3. Keep your questions open-ended.
To start a conversation, you want something that will start more than a “yes” or a “no” – you want to encourage others to engage in the question and have something interesting, instead of you simply trying to make chit-chat with no results.
A great conversational starter is anything outside a “yes-no” question, and by opening the door for others, you allow them to bring their own thoughts to the table and engage.
4. Record yourself talking to yourself.
Mirror-work is perhaps the best way to get you started on picking up certain cues and improving your conversation.
Start by sitting down in front of your laptop, smartphone, or your camera, and hit record, then start talking as if you’re engaged in a conversation with someone else. Do so for at least five minutes before stopping.
Once you’re done, stop, and play back the video. Carefully observe yourself and try to watch despite the initial discomfort, and look for certain tics and subconscious gestures that make you more self-conscious. By identifying them and being aware of them, you can change them.
Being organized is the best way to take control of your life, and it’s not just something you do at the start of every year – it’s something you can do at any day, and at any time. Ideally, the best time you can start is right now, at this moment.
Here’s how you can get started making your life more organized:
1. Get everything written down.
The first step to remembering something is getting it written down, and this is where planners, or even a simple notebook, can really come in handy.
In a lot of cases, a simple notebook is even better than a planner as it could help you jot down almost anything that you came across but don’t want to forget, such as sudden chores, tasks, or things could help you get closer to your goals.
2. Give your things a place where they should be.
The phrase “getting rid of clutter” doesn’t always mean “throwing away stuff” – it also means putting stuff back in their place after using them. If you find that your room or desk is messy, now is the best time to put things back in order.
Once you see that you room is a lot cleaner and more organized than before, you can start to appreciate the amount of space that your room actually has.
3. Know when to get rid of things you don’t need anymore.
If your room is bursting with stuff, it might be time to start getting rid of the ones you don’t need or haven’t used for a long time. While this usually means getting rid of physical things to include only the ones you use, this also extends to other aspects of your life.
You should also make it a point to de-clutter regularly. Because stuff doesn’t organize on its own (instead, it either clutters or builds up), you need to take the time to clean house.
4. Get an app.
An app that reminds you of the things in your to-do list for the short- or long-term is one way to motivate you to get started on your track. The good news is that there are all kinds of these organizing apps that can help you out, and they’re both easy and fun to use.
5. Lay out your clothing for the next day.
Being prepared for the day ahead and laying things out for easy access when you need those lets you reinforce your other habits, which can help you become a more organized person.
For instance, you can lay out next day’s work clothes or uniform the night before, or before getting into the shower, which can save you a lot of time when getting ready for school or work.
Regardless of the field of profession you are in, you can’t get away from stress. It’s ever-present and the sooner you accept it as an inevitable, the more resilient you are whenever it strikes.
So take a break from all those rants about to burst from their seams. Here are a few ways to help you finally tame those stresses that just can’t seem to stop:
1. Exercise
Not many people are aware of this, but exercise is an effective stress buster. It actually makes you happy as you sweat those stresses out. When you exert effort and actually sweat, your brain produces neurotransmitters called Serotonin which stimulates a happy mood. It helps keep your mood in neutralizing levels, making your stress tolerable and at bay. So make sure to keep your exercise routine active and well within your regular schedule so you stay psychologically healthy as well.
2. Sleep more and sleep well
Not only is the number of hours you sleep important, but even the quality it has. Doesn’t mean you slept 8 hours is a good indicator in itself. Whether those 8 hours were uninterrupted and well-slept sets the distinction altogether. So make sure to get good quality hours of sleep and you’ll find your stressors manageable and conquerable. Your brain sees perspective of things way better when it has a good night’s sleep.
3. Stay away from caffeine, alcohol, nicotine and sugars
There are some type of food you should refrain from, no matter how strong the urge is to stress eat. You might want to hold off on one more cup of coffee or a few more cigarettes than your usual. Both contain substances that are stimulants by nature and could worsen the stress you feel. Alcohol is also tricky when you’re stressed. Contrary to what most people do, alcohol is actually a depressant when taken in large amounts. Refined sugars are also a no-no when you’re stressed. These are mostly found in manufactured and savory food such as salad dressings and bread. They cause energy crashes which cause you to feel irritable and tired.
4. Write it down
Most of our stresses just need a good outlet with which we can find our long-wanted release. So to take the burden out of other people, we might want to write them down instead. Find a nuke free from disturbances and you can release your stress one word at a time.
5. Talk to someone you trust
You may or may not seek professional help when you feel you’re about to drown from all the stress. But more importantly, talk to someone you trust, be it a professional or not. Sometimes we just need to vent out the pressure and just someone to be there for us.
6. Let go
If you find yourself saying yes to tasks you barely have time for, then hold up that nod and think twice. You only have one body, and time isn’t always on your side. So let go of some burdens you unnecessarily take upon yourself. Manage your time well, and if some things just don’t make the cut then let them go. If people stress you out, the same principle applies as long as you don’t put your life at stake by doing so. Endure the discomfort of the temporary change, and in the long run you’ll find yourself much more relaxed than before.
Have you experience finding something that you know that you have it? Having difficulties in finding your wallet? keys? Forgot the way to the market? That’s a sign of low memory. Although, there are some point in time that a normal person will suffer to this scenario.
In reality, there are no assurances that something to prevent memory loss as one of the causes of it is aging. However, there are some tips to sharpen the memory. By following the simple and effective tips below, you will be amazed with what it can do to you: