Posted by Editor in Information Technology
on Sep 2nd, 2015 | 0 comments
When we want to travel, we wish to experience the temperatures first so we will know what to expect and of course, what clothes to bring. We merely rely to data given and just imagine how cold/hot it might be. Experiencing the climate at our upcoming destination is not possible until Stockholm’s Climate Portal.
Passengers of the Stockholm’s Arlanda Airport can check the forecast of their next destination and if they are lucky, they can actually experience it. The Climate Portal is divided into three rooms – big, hot and cold. The rooms utilize the live data to mimic actual climate in many locations around the world.
The Climate Portal boasts of temperature variations, wind generators and audio visual system to give passengers a surreal experience. Travellers can truly experience the world by simply stepping to a door. According to the airport personnel, they want this project to explore the possibilities of taking us to our destinations before being physically present there.
How cool is that? Getting a preview of where we are going is something cool and fun. The Portal will be open until August 31, 2015. This is a first in the world. This experience is truly enriching for travellers.
We are hoping that we adopt this kind of technology here in Singapore. This added feature will then again make Singapore’s airport number one in the world. Getting a picture or a feel of our upcoming destination’s climate is helpful because it gives us the opportunity to make adjustments – whether we bring extra warm sweaters or extra pair of sunglasses before we embark.
Posted by Editor in Global News
on Aug 28th, 2015 | 0 comments
We know Dubai as creative, open-minded and aggressive when it comes to infrastructures. Dubai can become the over-the-top tourist destination in the world if they set their mind to it. Given their resources, Dubai can be whatever they hope it would be.
Dubai recently awed the world with their plans of building a climate-controlled city – a first in the world. They will call the project “Mall of the World”. This project would possibly allow visitors and its residents to evade stepping outside for many weeks at a time. This idea is appealing for many residents in Dubai knowing that the temperatures there especially during summer can reach up to 100 degrees.
What should we expect with the city? Here’s a peak:
- Hotels and apartments: The city will feature over one hundred hotels as well as apartments. The people here will want to spend many days thereby the number of places to stay.
- Shopping mall: It wouldn’t be the “Mall of the World” without the mall, right? The mall will be nestled in an eight million square foot of land. This will make it the largest mall in the world.
- Family theme park: Who will forget a family theme park? This is to encourage the family from staying long.
- Districts: There are different districts to be put up like theatre, shopping and wellness. The wellness district will particularly attract medical tourists.
The facilities inside the city will be connected by a four mile long enclosed walkway which will cover the place from harsh summers. Of course there will come a time that it will be opened during winters to air it. This project is expected to attract more than 180 million visitors every year.
Living in the city of the future is a different kind of experience. Perhaps Singapore need to consider this idea for a change.
Posted by Editor in Love and Relationships
on Aug 23rd, 2015 | 0 comments
The key to having a healthy and happy relationship doesn’t solely rely on roses and date nights. It also has something to do about ditching the traditional relationship beliefs. In fact, couples who tend to rely and follow age-old marriage advices usually end up in relationships that they didn’t really want to be in. So start breaking some of the rules now, and follow these unconventional ways to strengthen your relationship bond.
- Drop Your Unconditional Love Fantasies. “True love knows no bounds.” Sounds really romantic, but this idea isn’t realistic. We understand that unconditional love is one of the fairy tale storylines you grew up reading, but truth is, this theory isn’t applicable in an adult relationship. Sure, you want to have a relationship that endures the tough times, but to be a healthy couple, you should also learn to respect one another’s deal-breakers. Also, failing to set limits on love will only cause you to overlook some warning signs that will later harm your relationship.
- Put 70 Percent in Your Relationship. We commonly hear that a couple should always do their fair share in their relationship. However, healthy relationships don’t really require a 50-50 cut on putting in effort and love. In fact, putting a unilateral initiative is already enough to change the momentum of your marriage. This could mean not glaring at your guy when he chews with an open mouth, or attending some therapy session alone and practising what you’ve learned later on. Take the initiative to be the bigger person in your relationship, and he’ll likely return the favour in the same amount as well.
- Be Selfish in the Bed. One study found that sexually satisfied couples are more focused on their own pleasure, and not that of their partners’. Avoid stressing too much about how you look or smell, because your partner won’t really mind. Also, don’t wait for pleasure to come along, instead, make it happen yourself.
- Learn to Surrender your Will. Why should you forgo your back-to-back episodes of Vampire Diaries when he wants to watch an action flick? Well, because putting your partner’s needs first oftentimes reap big rewards. Sure, it’s important that you keep your autonomy on career or living issues, but letting little issues like restaurant and movie choices slide is also good sometimes. By learning when to surrender your will, you’ll be able to show your partner that you value him and his happiness
Breaking some relationship rules isn’t all bad. In fact, it can even help in strengthening your bond with your partner, and in achieving the kind of relationship that you really want.
Posted by Editor in Beauty Tips
on Aug 19th, 2015 | 0 comments
Sweating is good, but not until you experience it on one of the worst possible areas in your body – your underarms. Not only is it frustrating and embarrassing, excessive armpit sweating often lead to unsightly sweat stains on shirts. Luckily, there are some natural approaches on how you can dry up your sweaty pits and enjoy your social life with confidence.
- Wear Loose Clothing Pieces. Although this can’t really stop you from sweating, wearing loose clothes can help in preventing visible sweat stains. Wearing tight clothes that sticks in your underarm will only make you sweat more and make the moisture more noticeable. So opt for loose fitting shirts and don’t forget to apply some antiperspirant.
- Wash With Apple Cider Vinegar. Not only is apple cider vinegar great for salad dressings, it also works wonders in stopping underarm sweat, as well as the odour that comes with it. Just apply the vinegar on the affected area at night and let it air dry. Wash it off first thing in the morning, and apply your deodorant as usual.
- Use Baking Soda as Homemade Deo. If your deodorant isn’t doing the trick for you, try making a homemade deodorant from baking soda instead. Simply mix a spoonful of baking soda with warm water, add in lavender or vanilla essential oils and spray it on with your deodorant every day. This trick will surely double your protection from excessive sweating.
- Drink Tomato Juice. Apart from being beneficial for your health, drinking tomato juice can also serve as a good remedy for your problem. Just drink the juice one straight week and alternately the following week to see some notable changes on your underarm sweating. Don’t like the taste? Then rub the tomato pulp in your underarms instead. It will serve the same purpose as drinking the juice.
- Do Steam Baths. Having steam baths is another good remedy for sweaty pits. Not only will it detoxify your body, it’ll also reduce your stress, which might be stimulating excessive sweating. Taking a 15 to 20-minute steam bath in the morning and at night is already enough to manage your underarm sweat problems. Just don’t forget to check the temperature of your steam every bath time to keep your skin from drying.
Having sweaty armpits is really embarrassing. So ensure that you practise proper hygiene and use the right products to keep your underarms from excessively sweating, and smelling.
Posted by Editor in Fitness, Health and Wellness
on Jul 11th, 2015 | 0 comments
We hear about yoga but we do not give it a chance to change our lives. It is time that we give yoga a chance. There are many fitness centres here in Singapore that offers yoga. Patrons saw how yoga changed their lives.
Here are the benefits of yoga:
- All around fitness: Patrons say that being truly healthy is not only physical but it should also be mental and emotional. Yoga helps balance these things. In other words, yoga is the holistic package.
- Weight loss: Many Singaporeans want weight loss but they haven’t tried yoga. Yoga presents an excellent opportunity because it can train the body to seek the right kind of food and when.
- Stress relief: Exercises and other form of activities can relieve stress. Yoga can also serve as our stress reliever. Through its postures, we get rid of stress that is accumulated every day.
- Inner peace: Yoga is a promoter of inner peace. Whenever we are troubled, we seek for peaceful and serene spots hoping to appease our spirits but little do we know that inner peace is within us. Yoga can help calm disturbed mind or spirit. It is cheap and we can do it any time of the day.
- Increased energy: Yoga can help increase our energy level. Things can be exhausting at the end of the day but yoga can give us that extra stamina or endurance to finish few more tasks. Yoga is not only for inner peace, it also includes body strengthening.
- Improved flexibility and posture: Regular practice of yoga makes our body strong and flexible. It can stretch and tone the muscles in our body. Not only that, it can also improve our postures when standing, sitting and walking.
Posted by Editor in Health and Wellness
on Jul 8th, 2015 | 0 comments
Chewing gum cannot do harm but if we swallow it or throw it in other places beside the trash can, it is possible that it can do harm not only to our body but to other properties around us. This is the reason why Singapore discourages gums. If we are caught spitting gums here in Singapore, we can be fined, jailed or worse, both.
There are people who think that gums are dangerous especially if swallowed. According to Dr. Ronald Kirschner, a toxicologist of Nebraska Regional Poison Centre, occasionally swallowing gums is not serious or dangerous. Gums will just pass through our digestive tract like other foods do. It will be out of our system – eventually.
However, there is a possibility that swallowing large quantities of gums can block our intestines and can cause intestinal problems. More than that, gums have more benefits than presenting danger. Gums can aid dental health.
We are not convinced but experts say that gums can indeed aid dental health. There are certain gums recommended by dental associations (we only need to look for the official seal of approval). Gums can effectively decrease plaque acids, lessen cavities and remineralize our tooth enamel.
Apart from that, gums can also boost our thinking abilities. There was a study done by researchers at St. Lawrence University in 2011. The research found that people who chewed gums five minutes before series of cognitive tests revealed an improved memory and retention skills compared to other participants who did not chew gums.
To conclude, gums are not dangerous if we keep it where it belongs – in our mouths (and trashcan of course after using it).